Friday, 9 October 2015

Ten Steps to the Perfect Research Paper Outline!

Several professors will teach you newer and better techniques for research and analysis which will reflect on your writing style. If you like something your teacher taught you then include it in your outline for future assignments. But here are a few ways that you can spice up a basic summary to prepare a custom one.
Step 1 Choose Your Topic carefully as this will influence your summary. Before you can formulate your outline almost all of your topic selection should be over. You should have a final topic in hand with almost all of the references required for the topic to be written. Get all the references and bibliographies organized in a separate book so that you don't lose any ideas. Narrow down your references and bibliography till you have a focused central question which is you can provide a solution for!
Step 2 Locate Information and store in a single location. Try to locate references from varied sources like encyclopedias and web science sites which have the most reliable information and sources. You can also try to use almanacs, science publications, scholarly journals, manuscripts, magazines, but do not use magazine articles and critics views as your own as they are not reliable.
Step 3 Prepare Bibliography Cards for your outline formation. Get a set of white cards where you can jot down bibliography information to use in your summary writing.
Step 4 Get several sets of note cards! These are very useful to note down all relevant information in pertinent paragraphs, make sure you arrange relevant and connected ideas in one paragraph and one note card. Put in the bibliography and references too so that you not have a coherent outline of all of the information you want in your essay.
Step 5 Prepare an Outline by dividing your note cards into separate groups. Divide the note cards into connected and coherent topics, subtopics, details, as well as sub details after you've read through the details on them. You can also shuffle them around to get a better idea of what happens when you move paragraphs and ideas around.
Step 6 Write A Rough Draft using this note card outline. These note cards now contain you entire term paper summary outline. You can use it to write several rough drafts of you research paper and review it several times. You can also specialized software available online which will prepare the outline for you in a few minutes when you put in the required ideas.
Step 7 Make sure you have several Rough Drafts ready. Always spell check your grammar and spelling before you do get your rough drafts sent in for approval to your professor.
Step 8 Prepare Your Bibliography in detail. List the information from your bibliography cards in the relevant areas as you have sorted them. This is necessary as most professors will definitely check sources and references to understand your term paper.
Step 9 Prepare title pages and table of contents. The title page will be the very first page which has your name, your professor's name, and your project details on it. The table of contents will have the topics, central subtopics, as well the page numbers for the ideas.
Step 10 Final Check- Make sure that you have everything in order and if you have the research paper outline ready for submission too. a few professors may want to take a look at your outline much before you submit your term paper to get an idea of how you are progressing.
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Graduate Nurses and the Experienced Nurses They Work With - Do's and Don'ts

Graduate Nurses
You've just graduated from nursing school and have begun your first job. You are so excited! You can't wait to apply all the knowledge you've worked so hard to gain and share it with your fellow nurses. Then bam! Reality shock. They don't want to listen to what you have to say. You don't understand. Why don't the experienced nurses you work with want to learn all the latest nursing information you have to share? You don't care, you say. Stop! Change your thinking or risk driving a wedge between you and your coworkers that will be difficult, if not impossible, to remove.
Here are two ways to be successful in your first nursing position.
1. Don't be a know it all
Not everyone will want to learn what you have to teach. Many of the nurses you work with consider experience far more important than what is learned from a book or in school. If you constantly lecture to them, you will be seen as condescending or showing off. It's better not to teach unless asked. Bide your time. As you establish yourself as a competent nurse, you will be respected. Then your knowledge will be recognized and valued.
2. Do let the experienced nurses teach you
They may not have all the latest knowledge you do, but the seasoned nurses you work with have practical experience you don't have. This is invaluable and cannot be found in textbooks. Listening and taking in what they have to share will help you forge good relationships with them. They will be more willing to hear what you have to tell them if you show appreciation for what they know.
If you follow these suggestions when you start your first nursing job, you will find it much easier to get along with the nurses you work with. Those relationships will be critical to your success and happiness in your job. Together, with their experience and the latest knowledge you have learned in school, you and your fellow nurses can provide the highest quality nursing care to your patients. After all, isn't that what nursing is all about?
Experienced Nurses,
"Oh, no, here comes the new nurse who just graduated from nursing school. Full of energy and enthusiasm. Thinks she/he knows everything and can't wait to share it with anyone who will listen. Soon she/he will realize that what is learned from textbooks is not the same as the real world of nursing."
If you've ever said or thought those words, you're not alone. Nurses who have been practicing for years know that graduate nurses (GNs) often don't realize how much they have to learn. It takes a lot of time and patience for experienced nurses to teach GNs. And orienting GNs isn't easy. They don't always want to listen. But can they talk! They want to tell the nurse with years of experience the "right" way of doing nursing procedures. Sometimes the GNs' behavior seems outright obnoxious.
Here are two ways to help GNs make the transition from students to practicing nurses.
1. Don't feel threatened
See this as an opportunity to teach and learn. Teach what you know and learn the most up to date nursing information. Let graduate nurses know that you value their knowledge and want to hear what they have to say. Just not all the time. Help them see when it is appropriate to introduce new ideas and when it is not. Show them how to share information without offending the rest of the nurses. Share your nursing background and expertise. Emphasize how you can help each other.
2. Do role model assertive communication and conflict resolution
If GNs do something wrong or offend nursing staff, let the GNs know. If a nurse comes to you to talk about one of the GNs, suggest this nurse talk directly with that GN. There are many benefits to this approach. The GNs will learn what not to do and hopefully, not do it again. You will be forming good relationships. And best of all, you will stay out of the deadly triangle. Back stabbing never helps anyone.
Why should you make it easier for GNs? Maybe no one made it easier on you when you started out in nursing. All the more reason to help the GNs. Eventually, they will become your peers. The GNs can either help you or hurt you during critical times as you deliver quality patient care. Wouldn't you rather work with nurses who know what you know than nurses who do not have the advantage of your experience?
Nancy Banfield Johnson,RN, MSN, ANP, the Nurse Mentor, offers speeches and workshops to teach nurses clinical knowledge and managerial skills to balance life and work, enhance productivity and to develop and achieve professionally. Her down-to-earth approach is highly motivational as she gives practical, creative solutions to help you solve problems in your nursing practice. Nancy helps organizations recruit and retain nurses by improving their work environment and increasing collaboration among nurses and with other health care professionals.
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The Importance Of College Textbooks To Students And How They Can Save Money On Buying Them

In history, textbooks have been used in order to ensure the consistency in the coursework which were offered to the students according to the grade level of the course requirements. In today's textbooks, it continues to provide countless academic benefits to the students as well as the instructors. College textbooks when used in conjunction with a variety of other materials like online books, videos and as reference books provide a lot of value to a student's education.
College textbooks were usually used in the colleges in order to be used as references for learning. These books were published in order to cover the subjects in the syllabus that the students were supposed to learn. Every college student uses different college textbooks for their subjects.
One advantage in using these books is that they provide essential information. The professors are the one reliable source of the information; the textbooks were used in order to provide more information. The reason why the professors do not always impart all of the information is due to the limits in the duration of the lessons.
The textbooks also help the students in highlighting and noting the key points. These textbooks serve as a guide for an easier understanding of the subject matter. If the students note the key points, it will make it easier for them in remembering the lessons especially during the examination periods.
They can also be used for future reference. The students may always forget what their professor had taught them. Therefore, they need textbooks in order to keep referring to; they are also a tool to refresh their memory. Also a reliable source of much information needed by the college students which will help them prepare for their thesis and term papers. These textbooks will come with instructions as well as guidance for the students on the kind of questions that they would be likely to encounter in the examination.
The books also act as an aid to the instructors as well as the professors in order to ensure that their lectures were more organized. The books as a fact, are divided into chapters, the professors find them very reliable in following these chapters and make constant references to them during their teaching. In this way, the professors were helped by these textbooks especially when checking that the students were learning the subject. By doing this the professors will know which topics that their students find difficult and will also know the ones that they have already understood.
The price of the textbooks is continuously rising and there are ways that the student can save money on them. Some stores stock the previous versions of the books and these will be available at a lower cost. It is also a good idea to have a look at the online stores that stock the books as they are normally considerably cheaper than buying from bookstores. Another way to save money is to ask students at a higher level if they have finished with their books and whether they would be willing to sell them to you at a cheap price. Most of them would be willing to do this.
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The Basics of Argumentative Essay Writing

Think of topic relating to aspects such as abortion, homosexuality or death sentence. The basic thing about what you intend to write on is that it should in itself bring in some argument. If a topic is decided for you or you are to decide on topic, there should be nothing different. What you need is to have all the materials that are needed to buttress your facts and support your evidence.
You should start by letting the reader know what you hold as true about the topic. It will also be good if the readers know what is generally thought about the topic. This should be stated in one statement. In writing this statement, you should also know that it needs to generate so much argument in the same way as was reflected in your main topic. For a more precise essay, your topic and your main statement should be narrow enough. Keep in mind that an argumentative write-up is almost unending and writing on something unending would seem an uncertain pursuit and even an overwhelming drudgery for you. For example, in writing about death sentence, you may decide to limit yourself just to the humane part or religious part of it. Sometimes it is necessary to pick out just one aspect of the whole topic and argue about it, rather than including a whole lot of points and just surfacing on them.
You will have to generate evidence to back your points. Any argument without substantiations is worthless. Before you import evidence, you should make sure that your facts are accurate and straight to the point. Make sure that your facts are also real. Not everything will be included as evidence in your essay. However, substantiations should incorporate anything that makes obvious the accuracy of your position and the ideas you represent in your essay. These will include existing facts, figures, observations that you make from your daily experiences and even opinions from other experts. Remember that what you include as facts should be such that they can be authenticated by objective means.
Argumentative essay should be concluded by making a reassertion of your position. This position should be such that renewed arguments will prop up. Ahead of stating this, you should sum up all your evidence and remember that your evidence must pass the necessary tests. Your evidence should be truthful and straight to the point; it should be consistent with your facts; it should be up to date or even the most recent; it should be representative of what it intends to prove; it should not be oversimplified and it should be ample and sturdy enough to back your assertions and plead your case to the readers.
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How to Write a Research Paper - Useful Tips For Beginners

A research paper is a detailed project on a certain topic, either used in studies, projects, or for business. Many people today would be hard-pressed to know how to write a research paper considering that they don't know where to start.
If you want to know how to write one successfully, simply follow these 4 basic steps.
Step 1: Deciding On A Topic
The topic of your research paper is the deciding factor that will determine the quality of its content, as well as how the information is relayed to the reader. In fact, writers are having difficulty in coming up with a topic that best reflects their work. This is practically the main problem in how to write a research paper successfully.
First off, you need to choose your topic wisely. Take some time to narrow down your ideas until you arrive with one that will fit your project.
Make sure that your topic is not too general and will not take too long to make, because you will end up putting everything in it to satisfy your readers.
If the topic is too specific, then it is quite possible that you will run out of subjects to write about.
Step 2: In-Depth Research
Now that you have come up with a topic, you need to do a lot of research to make sure that you have all the info needed to finish your work.
Writing a research paper requires you to include all the possible data that answers any potential question from the reader.
To simplify this project, you can check the Internet for information that will be used in your research paper. Come up with a list of keywords that will possibly give you the right information you need using search engines. You can even look for articles that sport the same topic to be used in your project.
Step 3: Organize Your Materials
The next step in how to write a research paper requires a little bit of organization when the time comes to actually write it down.
For starters, you need to chronologically organize your research, and list your information down in a way that they are supposed to appear in your paper. Make an outline to achieve this goal.
You need to make sure that the information on your research paper is organized, so that your readers will not have any trouble reading. Make sure that there is continuity in your topics and follow the outline closely to avoid corrections.
Step 4: Basic Construction
Writing a research paper requires extra effort from the author in terms of checking out the content, and making modifications in terms of spelling and grammar errors.
It is advisable that you read and proofread your work until you've exhausted all the possibilities of corrections.
If you have no idea about the format of your research paper, ask your professor if he or she has a specific format in mind, or look for one on the Internet or from other works in the library.
Your research pursuit does not necessarily have to be difficult if you know what you're doing. If you pay close attention to the rules above on how to write a research paper, then it's quite easy to create a successful project that deserves top marks.
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Quick Fix Your Medical Scrubs

Nurses spent most of their time roving around the ward or making some quick notes of their patients' conditions. They often run around with the stretchers to transport a patient that needed an immediate cure. They would bruise and brush with the metal stretcher or against the wall just to stride down for their next patient. Thus the nurses' jobs are very much action-packed that almost every time they face some clothing tearing or anything like that. This nurse actions cause at some point their most precious medical scrubs. So there are also small things that nurses should bring with them in their pouches other than hand sanitary lotions, alcohol, pen, sticky note. Because of accidental tearing of the nurses scrubs they needed to have a batch of things or tools to easily mend their torn scrubs.
Here are some of the quick fix tools you may want to add up to your pouch in case of accidental tearing off. It will probably pay you a great relief when you can have these.
A Toupee Tape
Before we knew a toupee tape used primarily to fix headdresses normally used by old men to cover their baldness. This may sound absurd but yes, toupee tapes can also be used to join a fabric just as it can help temporarily paste strands of hair. Toupee tape was named after the hairdress more commonly used by men called the toupee. A toupee is used to cover some portion of the head with scalp already exposed and in order to fasten the toupee a tape is used. Toupee tape is usually come in different sizes, pre-cuts, or colors. Both sides of the tape have adhesives thus allowing it to join one side of a fabric to the other side. With this simple tool, you can now tuck your loose medical scrubs top to the strap of your bra so to avoid any skin exposure or you can easily join the torn sleeve at no sweat.
Sewing Kit
This is so elementary. But the question is could that be practical? Absolutely, yes! There are small sewing kits available in your nearest store that can easily slide into your pouch. And who cares about its size, you can always put them in your locker or suffer the feeling of having a torn pant and you are just starting your shift. If you have with you a sewing kit then you can temporarily fixed your pants but be sure to get yourself online at home to buy a new pair of medical scrubs. Sewing kits come in different colors and design. It basically consists of needles, threads of different colors, a pin cushion, a tape measure, and a small scissors.
Wipes for Stains
Stains are the primary enemies of the nurses' scrubs. In fact, the place where nurses' works contributes to possibility of a nurse scrubs staining. So what could be the possible solution to this? There are so many in fact. One you can have an extra scrub available in your locker and you can just simply change. Second, you can bring with you wet wipes that are anti-bacterial and effective in temporarily wiping off stains. They are not just the facial wipes you can buy at convenient stores. Fabric wipes can clean up the mess without putting much of problem like colorization and all.
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Get Creative With Different Essay Styles

School years are never complete without those numerous essay assignments that teachers keep handing out. It is safe to say that a number of students even developed a considerable amount of stress and hair-pulling antics, what with all the demands of original ideas and smooth compositions.
Indeed, it gets old after a time, not to mention extremely difficult, to keep on coming up with creative ideas for an article. One recommended guide then to make all these a little easier on the mind is by browsing the different essay forms. Indeed, by learning the different styles, the student can be steered on the various approaches that one can make in essay writing, thus infusing a fresh angle to the material.
Here are four styles of essay writing:
The narrative approach, as the term implies, recounts a story. It can be a personal incident worthy of retelling, or a fictional experience based on a hyperactive imagination. But whatever the case, the resulting essay demands a rich level of vividness that should capture readers into the story. It is not enough that the readers simply understand the narrative, it should be engaging enough that said readers cannot help but get caught up in the drama (or the humor) of it all.
How can this be accomplished? The one great tip is to infuse essays with sensory details. A doggy breath smell, the bittersweet taste of dark chocolates, the red and purple rays of the sunset; these are all graphic descriptions that automatically causes readers to recreate the narration in their heads, thus becoming involved in the storytelling (whether they like it or not).
The comparative essay discusses any two subjects. Relatively, the discussion centers on these two subjects' similarities, or differences, or both. Whereas the writer has full control on whether to lead a biased or impartial discussion, it is still recommended in more formal essays that the objective way of discourse be followed. In this way, readers will also impartially perceive all the positive and negative aspects of both sides.
If the comparative essay is meant for entertainment purposes mostly, then by all means, the writer is allowed to write with all the biases that can be mustered.
Persuasive / Argumentative
There is no mistaking what this type of essay aims to do. But just to stress it further, the persuasive or argumentative essay reasons out key points in order to convince readers toward the writer's point of view.
For this form of essay, the material can go from comical to dead-serious deliveries. Indeed, all writing tones are open for the writer, as long as the article does not lose touch of its primary goal of persuading readers on a certain opinion.
The critical essay tends to be the more solemn of all essay types, and probably the one that requires the most hard work. In this form, the writer focuses on a specific matter, and attempts to nitpick every aspect of that said topic. The analysis normally covers the topic's meaning, methods, objectives, strengths, and weaknesses.
Normally, the critical essay speaks about other creative works. The critique can be about another essay, a film, a book, and a poem, to name a few. From there, the material can begin with a brief overview of what the subject is all about, then followed by the main body of critical points that the writer perceived on the topic at hand.
Only Four, but there's More
These are just four of many essay styles to sustain every student's creative approach to writing. Endeavoring to attempt all forms not only enhances the writer's composition flexibility, it also keeps the reader (the teacher, that is) entertained with all the imaginative unpredictability.
Krista Cornell is a freelance article editor and part-time web designer in Michigan. Her literary loves deviate to themes of nature, history, and the occasional science-fiction novels. When not writing and leasing her deft hands to a graphic arts company, Krista can usually be found trying to reproduce a new Italian recipe she surfed in the internet.
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Writing Your Master's Thesis - Creating a Bibliography and Writing a Literature Review

Before you even start writing your actual master's thesis, you will need to compile a bibliography of all the research sources and materials that are relevant to your thesis topic. In addition, as part of your master's thesis, you will be required to write a literature review, which may be part of your thesis proposal or even part of your thesis itself depending on the preferences and standards followed by your academic department and your faculty advisors.
Prior to embarking on either one of these very important projects, it is vital to understand the difference between a bibliography and a literature review. A bibliography is simply a list of sources that you have consulted in the course of researching your master's thesis. In this context, "consulted" is defined very broadly. It doesn't matter whether you got a lot of information from a book or just a little. It doesn't even matter whether the information that you gleaned from a particular research source never even makes it into your thesis.
Any book or article that you looked at, even briefly, in the course of conducting research for your master thesis belongs in the bibliography. It doesn't matter whether you read the whole book or just skimmed a chapter, whether an article was helpful or added nothing to your understanding of your topic. When it comes to putting together a bibliography, you must err on the side of over-inclusiveness. Note that a bibliography is not the same as a "reference page" or a "works cited page" that you might include in a run-of-the-mill term paper. A bibliography for a master's thesis should include all relevant resources that you encountered while researching your topic, whether you actually cite them or not.
A literature review on the other hand is much more selective than a bibliography and much more difficult to put together. A bibliography, essentially, is just a list of books and articles put in standard citation form. You don't need to understand or appreciate or even to have read a source in order to include it in a bibliography. A literature review, on the other hand, is a written analysis and synthesis of the research sources that are most pertinent and helpful to your master's thesis topic. In your literature review, you will not simply list sources as you do in a bibliography.
Rather, you will discuss and analyze the importance of each source to the topic that you have chosen to write about. More than that, a well-written and well-constructed literature review does not simply list important sources and discuss their contributions to the field. In writing a literature review, you should be able to draw connections between the various sources that you discuss and analyze. In other words, it is vital that you explain for your reader how the points made and theories proposed in one research source build on or add to those found in another book or article. You should be able to identify and discuss trends and commonalities that appear in the works that you discuss in a literature review, as well as note any disagreements among scholars that are exemplified in these works.
A literature review should provide a brief history of the development of scholarship and academic theories in your chosen field, with emphasis on most recent discoveries, controversies, or proposals. After reading your literature review, your faculty advisors should come away completely informed about the state of research in your field as it stands today. With this understanding, the readers of your master thesis will be prepared to ascertain what your own research and writing has added to your chosen topic and judge the value of your work in advancing scholarship in your academic field.
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